Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunflowers :)

I really really really wanted to take pictures in this gorgeous field that I pass everyday on my way home from work. Its truly a distraction! So Beth and her sister Kate modeled for some pics so that mom and dad have a nice personalized gift this Christmas :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Matt & Kendall

I snapped a couple of shots at the wedding of my brother-in-law Matt to my awesome new sister in law, Kendall. Like this one: (more coming soon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Landon turned one!

Landon turned one on August 21, 2010. He is just edible he is that cute. Plus, his adorable cousins were there and together they just make the most gorgeous pack of little people ever. :)

Baby Loralye

Loralye is my new (second) cousin and she is just precious. Even her name is precious. Her big brother Lawson is such a natural caretaker in his new role.